State Secretariat Tübingen
for the French-Occupied Territory 47 Nauklerstrasse
of Württemberg and Hohenzollern September 17, 1947
Regional Directorate for Culture, TH No. 1002
Education, and Art
of Württemberg-Hohenzollern
The Minister of Education and Culture
To the
Academic Rectorate
Re.: Withdrawal of doctoral degree for political reasons during the Third Reich
In connection with the resolution approved by the assembled minister-presidents [of German states] in Munich concerning the return of emigrants, the following case has been submitted to me:
Dr. Hermann Budzislawski was the holder of a doctoral degree in political science awarded by the University of Tübingen. He emigrated in March 1933 and was then the editor of the Neue Weltbühne in Prague and Paris. Therefore he was stripped of, among other things, the title of doctor of political science, University of Tübingen. I ask, by way of reparations, that the academic degree of a doctor of political science, or the academic degree held by Dr. Hermann Budzislawski until 1933, be restored to him.=
In this connection, I point out that measures of that kind, which were taken under the Third Reich, must be revoked across the board. I expect a decision by the Senate of the University that will rectify other similar cases.
Dr. Sauer