Women faced distinct challenges in Nazi Germany, World War II, and the Holocaust. Often assuming primary responsibility for children and other vulnerable individuals, women under Nazi persecution also faced the danger of sexual violence and threats to their reproductive health.
women's experiences
Everyday Life: Roles, Motives, and Choices During the Holocaust
"Healthy Woman - Healthy Nation"
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
"On the Auschwitz trial in Kraków (impressions)"
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
"Saxa loquuntur"
Everyday Life: Roles, Motives, and Choices During the Holocaust
“A Jewish Woman in Warsaw from September 1939 to the Present”
Belonging and Exclusion: Reshaping Society under Nazi Rule
Advertisement for "Violetta Ladies Club"
Everyday Life: Roles, Motives, and Choices During the Holocaust
Brochure for the Lebensborn Program
Belonging and Exclusion: Reshaping Society under Nazi Rule
Christmas Card Given to a Polish Prisoner at Ravensbrück
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
David Boder Interview with Helen Tichauer
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Diary of Elvira Kohn
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Diary of Irene Hauser
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Diary of Saartje Wijnberg
Americans and the Holocaust
Dress Made by Margret Hantman in Deggendorf DP Camp
Everyday Life: Roles, Motives, and Choices During the Holocaust
Erzsébet Frank, "The Welders"
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
George Kadish, "The Persecuted"
Belonging and Exclusion: Reshaping Society under Nazi Rule
German Motherhood Medals
Everyday Life: Roles, Motives, and Choices During the Holocaust
Interview with Antonina Serdiukova
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Leather Bouquet of Flowers Made in Bergen-Belsen
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Letter by Marketa Brady from Ravensbrück
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Letter from Amalie Malsch to Wilhelm Malsch
Everyday Life: Roles, Motives, and Choices During the Holocaust
Letter from Antonina Sidielnik Intercepted by German Authorities
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Letter from Ester Ruben Menahem to the Commissariat for Jewish Questions
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Letter from Hilda Dajč to Nada Novak
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Letter from Ilse Chotzen to Her In-Laws
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Letter from Sarah Froiman to her Friends and Brother
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Letter from Srećko Bujas to the Jewish Community of Zagreb
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Letter from the Jewish Community of Brod na Savi to the Jewish Communities of Zagreb and Sarajevo
Everyday Life: Roles, Motives, and Choices During the Holocaust
Letter from Vilma Grunwald to Kurt Grunwald
Belonging and Exclusion: Reshaping Society under Nazi Rule
Letter to SS Doctor Gregor Ebner
Americans and the Holocaust
Louise Kleuser to J. L. McEhlany
Everyday Life: Roles, Motives, and Choices During the Holocaust
Memo on Pregnancies among Forced Laborers
Everyday Life: Roles, Motives, and Choices During the Holocaust
Memo Regarding Maria-Elisabeth Koch
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Nastia Kronenberg, HASAG poem
Americans and the Holocaust
Oral History with Charity Adams Earley
Everyday Life: Roles, Motives, and Choices During the Holocaust
Oral History with Julia Pirotte
Everyday Life: Roles, Motives, and Choices During the Holocaust
Oral History with Marcelle Duval
Belonging and Exclusion: Reshaping Society under Nazi Rule
Oral History with Rita Prigmore
Everyday Life: Roles, Motives, and Choices During the Holocaust
Oral History with Rose Brunswic
Americans and the Holocaust
Photograph of Margaret Bourke-White at Buchenwald
Everyday Life: Roles, Motives, and Choices During the Holocaust
Photograph of Prisoners in a Greenhouse
Belonging and Exclusion: Reshaping Society under Nazi Rule
Photograph of Romani Women at Bergen-Belsen
Everyday Life: Roles, Motives, and Choices During the Holocaust
Photograph of Ukrainian Women Brought to Germany as Forced Laborers
Belonging and Exclusion: Reshaping Society under Nazi Rule
Police Statement from Margot Liu
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Portrait of a German Girl in a Handmade Frame
Belonging and Exclusion: Reshaping Society under Nazi Rule
Postwar Testimony of the Hodoschi Family
Everyday Life: Roles, Motives, and Choices During the Holocaust
Public Humiliation of a Young Couple
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Recipes from the Cookbook of Eva Ostwalt
Everyday Life: Roles, Motives, and Choices During the Holocaust
Report on the Camaraderie House for Female Students of Göttingen
Everyday Life: Roles, Motives, and Choices During the Holocaust
Report on the Rühen Home for Children of Forced Laborers
Everyday Life: Roles, Motives, and Choices During the Holocaust
Request to Replace Nurse Anna Hölzer
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Rivke Horvits-Pinkusevits, "Mama, You Live On"
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Shoah Outtake with Gertrude Schneider
Belonging and Exclusion: Reshaping Society under Nazi Rule
Shoah Outtake with Inge Deutschkron
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Shoah Outtake with Ruth Elias
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Silver Cup Made in a Labor Camp
Everyday Life: Roles, Motives, and Choices During the Holocaust
Trial Testimony of Rosa Schnedlitz
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
USC Shoah Foundation Oral History with Abraham Bomba
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
USHMM Oral History with Blanka Rothschild
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
USHMM Oral History with Charlene Schiff
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
USHMM Oral History with Ester Grun
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
USHMM Oral History with Frieda Belinfante
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Widowhood Release of Golda Leitman Weiss