Many people experienced a profound sense of loneliness during World War II and the Holocaust. Individuals were often separated from family members and friends, and many people became isolated from their cultural, national, or religious communities as well.
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Diary of Moryc Brajtbart
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Diary of Saartje Wijnberg
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Letter from Zbigniew Kelhoffer to Sydonia Kelhoffer
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Nastia Kronenberg, HASAG poem
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Rivke Horvits-Pinkusevits, "Mama, You Live On"
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
USC Shoah Foundation Oral History with Michael Kraus
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
USHMM Oral History with Charlene Schiff