Unclear and unreadable letters can’t be censored and will be destroyed.
Women's Concentration Camp
Fürstenberg i. Meck.
Excerpt from the camp rules:
Every prisoner in this protective custody is allowed to send and receive a letter or card once a month. The rows in the letter have to be written clearly, readable and in ink. The letter must not exceed two pages with 15 rows each. All mail has to have an exact sender, block and prisoner number on it. Each writing must only have one stamp enclosed. Additional stamps will be confiscated in favor of destitute prisoners. Mail that doesn't comply with the requirements will not be delivered. Envelopes must not be padded. Receiving parcels with any content is not allowed. Cash remittances are permitted, but have to be issued via postal money order; deposits in the letter are prohibited. Everything can be bought in the camp. Petitions for release of the protective custody to the camp lead are pointless. The sending of images and pictures is prohibited.
Director of the camp
My exact address:
Margarete Brady
Nr. 8827
Block 7
Fr.-Konz.-Lager Ravensbrück
Fürstenberg i. Meckl.
Letter without number or block are undeliverable.
Ravensbrück, May 1942
My beloved! Endless joy reached me with [Oiav's]1 2 letters, to write some lines to the children and [Ella]. I'm happy that you are healthy, I am too. Congratulations to you, my [Haničko] and dear father for your birthdays, and belated to both [Aničko] and [Jiříčku]. So you were happy, grandma, when you heard from [Mimi's] friend that [Dunka] and Heinrich's wife still live with [Fania], that she sews diligently, is fun, looks good and that she is well loved. Surely everything is too small; [Haničko] wear my shoes after Boža, and my [Jiříčku], the suit after Eliška's or Maruška's father, and the sweater after uncle Kohlman. I'm worried about beloved [Oiav], if he can stay with Klara and enjoy the nice sweater. Thank you [Věruško] and your parents that you are so good to my beloved and make this situation easier. Thank you for the money, write on standardized paper and [write the] sender. With which [Trude] is [Marynka] talking? Where is Vlastas [Klov] boss? It’s a pity that [Dunička] didn't write in a long time, I'm writing her often. Don't worry beloved Ella. What are you doing, my children? Greet everyone. Kisses from Karl and mother.