Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
"Song of the Oppressed"
Americans and the Holocaust
Abel Meeropol: "Bitter Fruit"
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Betty Straus, "Our Cabin"
Everyday Life: Roles, Motives, and Choices During the Holocaust
Erzsébet Frank, "The Welders"
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Felix Noskowski and Willi Konrad, "A Birthday Epistle for Moritz Henschel"
Americans and the Holocaust
Langston Hughes: "Beaumont to Detroit: 1943"
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Leyb Kvitko, "Etele"
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Nastia Kronenberg, HASAG poem
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Władysław Szlengel, "Bread"
Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust
Władysław Szlengel, "Final Exams"