Dear Mr. Atkin,
What shall the following pages be like? Just a simple statement of some facts. And these facts are the result of an interesting development. This development proves one fact. Goodwill and collaboration in the most difficult situation can overcome the hardest troubles and resistances. This fact was proved previously many times. Even the victory of the United Nations over the powers of destruction is a clear specimen [sic] of the effect that goodwill and collaboration may have.1
Half a year has passed since Germany capitulated. Europe is on the way of being rebuilt. The Nations which fought for liberty and democracy lend their hands to those who were victims to the Nazi-Policy, in our days of reconstruction. For this purpose an especial organization [sic] has been established, the UNRRA. The goal of this organization can be expressed in a very simple manner: fulfilling human duties, i.e. helping those, who are in want of help. Everybody who feels strong enough should be considered compulsory to do this job. It is the most beautiful work that a man can carry out. In our days we have got to realize that a permanent peace can be maintained only [if] everybody is convinced that he had to contribute his share in securing peace. To talk in beautiful words is very common but real doing is not only more desirable but also more necessary. If everybody is conscious that collaboration means more than happy feeling then he can start to take part in a program of reconstruction. Our community here was not a community before it has grown into one. And why? Because a great part of the members of this community have realized that a reconstructing life can be made possible only if everybody feels some responsibility towards the others. This is called community spirit.
Whenever and wherever community spirit is ruling that is a justified hope of progress and success.
The following pages shall prove that a small part of reconstructive work had been done thus approaching the goals of the present necessities.
Relief and Rehabilitation.
Deggendorf Song
Deggendorf you are the nicest camp for Jewish DPs
Deggendorf and everybody here is happy to be.
When one day we start from here away,
We all sing very sadly
We meet again in short time again with you
We all sing very sadly:
We meet again in short time again with you!